Sepehr Borji

Hello, I’m Sepehr, an engineering student with a videogame obsession.

I want to bring excitement, joy, and a sense of connection to people’s lives, so that we may all come alive and enjoy life.

I do this by using the power of technology and media to entertain, bring ideas to life, and bring people together.

My approach to this just happens to be engineering and game development.

Play My Games!


Robot Wave-based FPS - How long can you survive?

Project Boost

Based on a 3D course - Fly through the obstacles to land at your destination

Mail Delivery

A Solo game made in under 72 hours for Ludum Dare 53

Dash Attack

A tiny fun prototype for practicing game "juiciness"

Ninja Frog

A cute little prototype for some basic platformer mechanics

Lazy Gun Run

Lazy Gun Run is an idle jumper/shooter available on the play store. I made all art assets from scratch!


Breakthru is a mobile arcade-like game available on the play store!

Personal Projects

Personal Home Server

Turning an insanely old PC into a convenient and fun Linux home server

Payroll Software

A C# console application that generates pay stubs for employees in a small company

Academic Projects

RISC-V Assembly Language Emulator

Emulating a 32-bit RISC-V CPU using C from a class in computer architecture

Graduate Student Admission System

An academic project from a class in Software Design and Analysis in C++

Vending Machine

An academic project from a class in Digital Logic and Hardware Design

Let's talk!